Tuesday, March 29, 2016

FREE Summer Journalism Workshop at DePaul

 Summer Workshop Application
What is Pasos al Futuro? Pasos al Futuro is DePaul University’s Summer Journalism workshop for Chicagoland public high school students. This two week workshop teaches participants the skills for report on their communities. The goal of this program is to encourage youth to pursue careers in journalism, focusing on Latino Communities. Thanks to a generous grant from the McCormick Foundation, this workshop is free of cost for all students selected to participate.

When will it take place? June 20th-July 1st 2016. Mondays to Fridays, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Where does it convene? DePaul’s College of Communication, located at 14 E Jackson Blvd. Chicago, IL, 60603.

Who should apply? All applicants must meet the following criteria:

·         Currently-enrolled public high school students

·         Living in the greater Chicago area

·         Have at least a 2.75 GPA

·         Have an interest in journalism and in Latino Communities

How can you apply? Students must submit (1) this form, (2) a resume, and (3) a 500-word essay addressing the following question: What is one issue that is important to you and your community, which you think deserves more media attention (and why)? Send your applications via email to Professor Maria De Moya at: mdemoyat@depaul.edu by April 30th, 2016.
See Mr. Fuentes for the application